How to Use Word of Mouth for Dental Practice Success
Are You Good with Face-to-Face Promotion?

Many dentists and dental practice owners are constantly working to get the word out about their clinic through digital media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, personal websites… you name it. And while these digital promotional efforts surely do help to generate more patient sign-ups, dentists should remember that they can also greatly benefit from the simple act of real-life word of mouth and face-to-face contact… or in other words, “live marketing”.
But why is this marketing method with a personal touch such an effective way to gain patients? We’ll tell you why:
Because it’s personal, and real.
When you approach potential patients in person, you’re able to exert your genuine personality using your words and body language. To make a positive impression, you should appear outgoing and easy to talk to. Smile and casually inform the person about the practice you run or are a part of, and let them know you’d be happy if they stopped by or booked a visit. This friendly and inviting approach is a very effectual way to get people to seriously consider your business.
Because it opens opportunity for conversation.
By speaking face-to-face with a potential patient, you’re also opening up the opportunity for them to ask questions and learn more about what you have to offer as a dentist or practice. This will help to clear up any uncertainties they may have, so they’ll feel more comfortable about choosing you.
Because a face-to-face connection is more likely to incite
Emotion plays a significant role in influencing decision – and the kind of emotion that occurs during a productive face-to-face conversation is that much more likely to do so. If the person you’re speaking to is comfortable chatting and is feeling your vibe, they’re so much more inclined to make an appointment with you at your clinic.
Successful dental practices aren’t built from one sole marketing method… but rather, it’s the variety of techniques working together that help to make for one busy (and happy) dentist!